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Online Girls Connect - for parent/carers of girls with autism September 2023

Run by Jennifer, Chair of Skylarks

'My Autistic Wings, Healthy Relationships and Learning to fly'

Thursday 14th September 8pm - 9.30pm

Girls Connect support group - for parent/carers of girls with autism spectrum conditions or on the social communication pathway or who may be on the spectrum.

Our Girls Connect group meets either at our sessions at the Crossways Centre on occasional dates or online via Zoom. We have found that offering these sessions via Zoom works for many parents, so we will continue with this.

Girls Connect guest speaker: Joely Williams

Girls Connect are delighted to announce guest speaker Joely Williams as she talks about ‘My Autistic Wings, healthy relationships, gaslighting and Learning to fly’.

Joely is a multi world award winning autism activist, advocate, international motivational speaker, and author, who was diagnosed at 2, as autistic and ADHD. Joely's biggest passion is to empower understanding of autism, hidden hardships, depths, quirks and gifts. Joely is also a best selling author of ‘AspergerWorld: My Fairy Jam Jar’; a highly reviewed, empowering and educational resource book. 

Joely says she loves her “disability autism, after spending years learning to understand her quirks and embrace her differences. For me, I am disabled, and I have a gift; I have been empowered by support and understanding to spread my wings and learn to fly".

Girls Connect Background
This group aims to support parents & carers of autistic girls, girls on the spectrum or on a social communication pathway. Girls who have autism can manifest the condition differently to boys. They may "mask" it and therefore are often later diagnosed . The support group has been set up so that parents / carers of girls can share experiences, ideas, support and strategies.

Girls Connect is an information sharing forum for parents of autistic girls who live primarily, but not exclusively, in the South West London area. The group is also open to older autistic girls / young women.

The forum was founded in June 2015 by volunteers with the aim of using the network to share resources, information, events and services that are relevant to girls on the spectrum, as well as providing support to their parents and carers. Girls Connect now runs free online events (with guest speakers) on topics of interest to its members and an opportunity for group discussion, every 6 weeks or so. Coffee mornings for Girls Connect members will start up again this Autumn too.  There is also an invitation-only Facebook page for sharing information and network support.

If you are interested in joining the group, you can search for the group, Southwest London Girls Connect on Facebook and request admittance or email


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