Activities and News from other organisations
January 12, 2025
SEND is in the spotlight at the moment with a large number of reports published and consultations getting underway in the last few months. We’ve created a short survey to gather your views so that we can ensure that Richmond PCF’s responses accurately reflect the experiences of Richmond families. Your feedback will be used to inform:
- Richmond’s OFSTED Local Area Engagement Meeting on 21st January,
- the Law Commission Review of Disabled Children’s Social Care
- the Call to Evidence for the Education Committee Inquiry - Solving the SEND Crisis.
The survey can be accessed via the link below, the attached QR code or you can email feedback to – please share with other Richmond based families and SEND groups.
Survey link:
- OFSTED Engagement Visit, 21st January
Under the Local Area SEND Inspection Framework OFSTED now have an Annual Engagement Meeting in each local area between inspections. Richmond’s SEND Partnership was inspected in October 2023 and received a positive judgement which means that the next inspection will take place in 2028. OFSTED will meet with Richmond’s SEND Partnership on Tuesday 21st January. Richmond PCF have created a short survey for parent carers to share their views and experiences and you can access it here. You can also email your feedback to
- Law Commission Review of Disabled Children’s Social Care
In October the Law Commission launched a consultation on proposed new legislation for Disabled Children’s Social Care. The deadline for responses is 31st January and PCFs in London have been working with the review team to ensure the voices of parent carers are heard. We’ve included a few questions in our survey to inform the local area and regional responses to this consultation.
- Solving the SEND Crisis Inquiry, Call to Evidence
The Education Committee want to hear your view on what is needed to stabilise the SEND system in the short term and make it work for children and young people in the long term. You can find more information on how to submit your evidence here: Call for Evidence - Committees - UK Parliament
NNPCF Co-chairs will represent parent carers at the Education Committee on 28th January and must pre-submit written evidence by 21st January. If you would like to contribute to this evidence please complete the NNPCF survey.
- OFSTED Inspection Framework Review
OFSTED are carrying out a review of the area SEND inspection framework and would like to hear from families that have been involved in an inspection since 2023. If your child or young person completed the OFSTED survey, spoke to or emailed an inspector or were part of a case study then OFSTED would like to hear from them.
An online discussion has been set up on Monday 3rd February at 4.30-5.30pm - if your child or young person would like to take part in the discussion group please let us know.
OFSTED would like feedback on the following questions:
- Did you fill in the survey?
- Did you speak to an inspector?
- Were you able to tell the inspector what you want help with?
- Were you able to tell the inspector how the help could be better for you?
- Were you able to tell inspectors what help works well for you?
- Did you know about the report? Did you speak to anyone about the report?
- Since the inspection, has the help you get been better or different?
- For future inspections, how can we make it easier for you to tell us what they think?
Other local events and news:
- Feedback on Annual Reviews
Thank you very much to everyone that shared their experiences of annual reviews and post review survey. We raised your concerns at the SEND Partnership Board in December and the SEN Team will be looking at ways to improve the feedback process. You can find out more about the SEND Partnership Board and read meeting notes and papers here: AfC Info website - Kingston and Richmond :: Local Offer / Information and advice / SEND Consultation Hub / SEND Futures Richmond / Richmond SEND Partnership Board
- Secondary School Transition Information Event - Thursday 13th February, 5.30-7.30pm at Richmond upon Thames School, TW2 7SL
Achieving for Children are holding an information event for parent carers of children in years 4 &5 who have an EHCP. You’ll be able to meet the SEN Team, SENDIAS Service and SENCos to ask questions about finding the right secondary school for your child. There’s a flyer attached to this email and you can book your place here: Secondary School Transition Presentation - Privacy - Section 1 - Achieving for Children
- AI Pilot for EHCPs
Achieving for Children are taking part in a pilot to test the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in drafting Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs.)
You may receive a telephone call or email from a member of the SEN Team asking if you would like your child’s plan to be included in the pilot. Participation is completely voluntary an only 10 plans across Kingston and Richmond will be used.
You can find out more about the project here: A draft EHCP writing module powered by generative AI | VITA by Invision360
- And finally - another report on SEND!
Last week the Public Accounts Committee published it’s report on SEND. Support for children and young people with special educational needs
This is one to watch as it may significantly influence short and long term changes to the SEND system. It’s a 34 page read so we’ve summarised the main recommendations here:
Department for Education (DfE) should urgently:
Improve its data, and then use this information to develop a new fully costed plan for improving the SEN system
By March the Department for Education (DfE) should:
Talk to Councils and make a plan for the end of the ‘statutory over-ride’* in March 2026
*temporary rules that allow Councils to separate their SEND deficits from their main revenue budgets.
Over the next 6 months, the Department for Education (DfE) should:
Improve understanding of changing and increasing needs
Say how they will provide support more efficiently
Set out what provision should be available to all children with Special Educational Needs
Define what ‘inclusive’ education means and how to achieve it
Over the next 6 months, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and National Health Service should:
Set out how they will address workforce and skills gaps and waiting lists for SEND
Over the next 12 months, the Department for Education (DfE) should:
Improve their understanding of the reasons for differences in identifying and supporting Special Educational Needs,
Identify and share good practice
Improve local decision making
Provide specific support and guidance so all local authorities can effectively manage their SEN-related spending sustainably
Richmond data in the report:
Local Authority Percentage of children aged 5 to 15 with EHC plans in January 2024 – Richmond 4.8% (5.2% national average)
Percentage of new EHC plans issued within 20 weeks in 2023 - Richmond 45.1% (50.3% national average)
Proportion of EHC plan decisions taken to SEND tribunal in 2023 - Richmond 2.4% (2.5% national average)
Many thanks
Richmond Parent Carer Forum Steering Group
United Response are going to start a fortnightly, Saturday afternoon social group for more able young people starting on Saturday 22nd February
Workshops from RUILS Bright Futures
Tuesday 21 January from 9.30am – School’s Out Forever parent group – at the Ruils offices (address below). This is a drop-in so come along if you can.
If your young person has finished or will be finishing completely with education come along to talk about what their future might look like.
Friday 24 January at 10am – Living the Life – at Express CIC – at their offices in Surbiton – you can book here:
This is a workshop for parents who have supported or independent living on their radar – maybe not right now but some time in the next couple of years. (You’re also welcome if you are forward planning!)
Saturday 25 January 10am to 11.30am
- a new football taster session from Hearts of Teddlothian

For Hounslow families:
Fully funded 1:1 swimming lessons tailored for SEND / Neurodiverse children and young people.
These sessions run in three-week cycles in a calm, low-noise environment, with exclusive use of the venue. Experienced, Swim England-qualified instructors will adapt lessons to individual needs, helping participants enjoy the therapeutic benefits of water while learning valuable aquatic skills.
Join the WhatsApp Group to Express Interest
LBHSC is gauging interest for these sessions. By joining our dedicated WhatsApp group, you can receive updates and provide feedback that will help shape the program. Please note that by joining the group, you consent to the use of your personal data for communication purposes. All personal information will be handled in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Any questions please email:

Volunteering opportunity
A local charity is looking for volunteers:
We are a local bereavement charity currently recruiting for volunteers to support bereaved children and young people.
Our volunteers do NOT need to have a counselling qualification.
Please visit:
Volunteers must be aged 18 or over, need to have experience of working/volunteering with children or young people. The charity will provide an experiential training.
SEN Swim
SEN Swim provides swimming lessons and activities for children and young people with special educational needs at various locations in west London and beyond.
Contact: Joe Hancock
RISE programme of sporting activities for children with additional needs. Tennis and Swimming are listed on this page:
Teddington Torpedoes: Wendy Dorgan runs a swimming club for children and young people with special needs at Teddington pool. Tel: 0790 555 6283 Email:
Waterski & Wakeboard – Taster sessions! £7.50 . . .
taster session days. You will get a chance to get out on the water and get a feel for our sport. There will many volunteers on hand to assist you with getting in and out of the water and our experienced coaches will be on hand for guidance and support also.
Wetsuits, impact vests and equipment will be provided. You just need to bring yourself plus food/drink, a towel, swimwear and something warm to put on after if the weather is not on our side as the water can sometimes be a bit chilly.
Please note that whilst we do not require you to be able to swim, we would recommend at least that you are confident in the water if you wish to take part in our taster sessions.
Parents/guardians are welcome to come along and support/watch the sessions taking place. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer this reduced rate to siblings however, if a sibling or any other friend/family member wishes to try the sport please speak to us to find out more information.
Please complete the online form indicating which session you would like to book:
For more information, contact
t 01932 579934
Georgie Steele is an actor, as well as parent to two boys who have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. She has a one-woman show called Blow Your House Down which is a powerful drama about the family's experiences of special needs parenting. It is a very moving, uplifting and empowering.
It is on in Brighton at the Fringe Festival in May and also at the Camden Festival in August.
CAMHS Autism and ADHD screening/assessment process: information for parents and carers
Videos have been developed by Kingston and Richmond CAMHS Single Point of Access (SPA) and Your Healthcare. The aim is to increase parent/carer understanding and confidence around the local pathway to seeking a diagnostic assessment for Autism and/or ADHD within CAMHS. These information videos are aimed at parents and carers of young people who are registered with GPs in Kingston and Richmond.
You can view the all the videos and associated content on the Kingston and Richmond SEND Local Offer
The resource is also signposted from the main page about Neurodevelopmental Assessments (ADHD and Autism)
Richmond Aid has a Neurodiverse support group for young adults
Do you Identify as Neurodiverse?
Do you live in the Richmond Borough?
Are you aged between 18-35?
Come and join our community support group to discuss and work through topics faced by everyone. Every Friday 2.30 – 4.30pm at The Peter and Paul Centre, 4 Church Road, Teddington.
For more information contact Josh ( or Sally ( or call/ text/ WhatsApp 07927 550774.
Paid internship opportunity for young people this summer by Richmond and Wandsworth Council
The council is offering the opportunity for a paid internship for those from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic groups and/or disabled applicants who live in Richmond and Wandsworth.
The internship is part of the Horizon 24 programme and is for a minimum of 6 weeks, paid at London Living Wage (£13.15/hour). This opportunity is aimed at enthusiastic and responsible young people aged 18+ (Year 13 for those in school) and adults in the community. The aim of the Horizons 24 programme is to help individuals understand the benefits of working in local government and the different job opportunities available.
If your Young Person would be interested in this, please apply using the email .
ADHD Embrace
Executive Function Workshop - for all parents/carers of children with ADHD
When does it run?10:30am - 12:00pm, Thursday 25th April 2024. Please aim to arrive by 10:15am.
Where does the course run? The workshop will be held at AfC Training Centre, 53 Grimwood Road, Twickenham, TW1 1BY.
Cost of course: £30
How do I book? Click here!
Hounslow Parent Carer Forum
Activities in April
16th April 2024
10.30 - 12.30
Coffee & Chat at Ballucci’s
Hounslow East
23rd April 2024
10.15 - 12.30
Monthly Forum
Hounslow Youth Centre
off Kingsley Road
This forum focuses on parent carers and looking after our mental and physical health
Emily Hill from IAPT
Fatima Abdi from Health Hounslow
25th April 2024
10.30 - 12.30
Men’s group
Venue to be confirmed
We will be going to the Kidz to Adultz exhibition in Farnborough again this year. If any parent carers would like a space on the minibus please email We will have two minibuses going so that those who need to be back earlier to pick up their children can leave in time. Please also let us know in the email whether you need to be back early to pick up kids.

Planning for the Future with Wills & Trusts webinar – Wednesday 10 April, 10.00am via Zoom
On Wednesday 10 April, Philip Warford will present a webinar about what to consider when planning for the future of a disabled or vulnerable loved one using Wills and Trusts. Philip will explain how you can safeguard means-tested benefits and how to provide financial security for them, as well as the rest of your family. Philip will talk through the different Trust options available, the importance of a Letter of Wishes and the role of Trustees. For further information and to book a place click here.
Decision Making for Vulnerable People webinar - The Mental Capacity Act, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of Protection – Wednesday 1 May, 10.00am via Zoom
On Wednesday 1 May, Philip Warford will be delivering a webinar about who can make decisions on behalf of another person, the key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Powers of Attorney and how the Court of Protection might help. If you are a parent or carer of a child or young person who may not be able to make decisions about their welfare and finances now or in the future, you will need to consider the best ways to protect them as they move to adulthood. For further information and to book a place please click here.
Universal Credit webinar – Wednesday 8 May, 10.00am via Zoom
Universal Credit is a means tested benefit that was first launched in 2013, and it replaces six of the older style benefits; child tax credits, working tax credits, income support, income-based Jobseekers Allowance and income-based Employment and Support Allowance. In this free webinar, welfare benefits specialist Nicola Spruce will explain more about what Universal Credit is and how the government’s ‘Move to UC’ strategy might affect you or somebody you are supporting. For further information and to book a place click here.
EHCP Advice: Know your Legal Rights, 23rd April 2024, 10am, Peter and Paul Centre, Teddington
This legal workshop with Geldards law firm will equip you with information to help you understand your legal rights within SEN law and what to do when things go wrong. This will include routes of appeal, routes of judicial review and routes of complaint. There will be time for Q&As following the presentation
Book a free place here
ASD/ADHD and mental health, 23rd May 2024, 10am, Patch, Twickenham
This workshop will be presented by Dr Alex Doig, Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist working within CAMHS Tier 3 within the NHS in South West London. Dr Doig will cover some common co-morbidities of ASD and ADHD, including Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, Psychosis / Bipolar and Substance Misuse. Book a free place here
our Financial Checklist for carers. We’ve done the research and mapping for you which means no more wasted time searching around. Give it a go and let us know how you find it.
More from ADHD Embrace:
Post Diagnosis Workshop17th April, 12pm-2pm in person
Are you the parent or carer of a recently diagnosed child or teenager? Our Post Diagnosis Workshop is full of essential information to inform, help and empower you. These sessions are held monthly and we alternate in-person and on-line formats.
WebinarsAll Kinds of Everything Family Workshop with Sue Robson, SEND Transitions Advisor at Ruils
23rd April 7.30pm-9.30pm
This webinar will cover a 2 hour whistlestop run through of all the things that might affect a young person from age 14 onwards. While it is aimed at families with young people who have a learning disability, much of it would be relevant to families with young people without a learning disability but have ADHD or another neurodevelopmental condition.
Meet-ups - Drop-in coffee morning
26th April 10am-12:30pm
Heatham House TW1
Join us for a coffee and friendly get together! This is a chance for parents to meet one another, connect and share experiences. This is a relaxed gathering and there will also be members of the ADHD Embrace team in attendance. Do join us.
Advice ClinicsDo you find the challenges of family life or a particular issue get you down? Our Family Support Worker runs one to one advice clinics to provide you with resources and tools on a wide range of questions including help with family dynamics, mental health, managing behaviour/emotions, organisation and executive function, school accommodations to SEN pupils, school avoidance, school selection, treatment options for ADHD, understanding ADHD and pre-diagnosis support.
Parenting CourseMaximising Cooperation, Self-Reliance and Self-Esteem with Noel Janis-Norton, best-selling parenting author, speaker, consultant, and Director of ‘Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting’.
8 May to 19 June (except 29 May, Half-Term) - weekly on Wednesdays from 8pm to 9.30 pm
Six week behaviour management course for parents of children with ADHD, Brought to you by: Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting - Noel Janis-Norton
This course focuses on bringing out the best in your junior school-age children (age 4 to 11 years old) with ADHD and related conditions.
Teacher WebinarsTeacher Seminar - ADHD and Mental Health – considering co-occurring conditions and behaviours and how to support our young people in the school environment with Dr Holan Liang (Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) and Dr Antigoni Gkaravella (Mental Health Specialist & Service Manager)
15th May 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics covered: Overview of ADHD and how it presents; Adolescent Mental Health and specifically in relation with children with ADHD considering co-morbidities; Tourette’s, Dyslexia, ODD and other disorders (more common among ADHD people than among the general population); Anxiety and school refusal; Depression; Substance abuse; Bipolar disorder; How teachers can support children and communicate with families.
All events can be found and booked here:
Parentsactive –
Parentsactive is the parent carer forum for Hammersmith and Fulham.
We run coffee mornings, information, and training sessions to support and empower
parents as well as liaising with the local authority, education, and health services to
improve provision. We welcome all parents and carers of children and young people
with a special educational need or disability aged 0-25 years (who have a connection to
Hammersmith and Fulham) to join our group.
We have a new Post 25 Co-production co-ordinator who will be running (post 19)
sessions once a month for parent carers with adult children.
Membership is free; get the Zoom and Teams links for our sessions, keep up to date
with events and receive our newsletter by signing up to our members list.
Find out more at and
Summer Term 2024
Session times are:
• 10 am – 12 pm for in-person sessions
• 10 am – 11 am for online sessions (unless stated otherwise)
Session – Location Dates
Coffee and Chat Online via Zoom 18th April
‘How to keep safe on public transport’ Independent travel advice from Transport for London
Masbro Centre 23rd April Tuesday
Post 19 session: topic tbc Online / tbc 30th April
What to expect from the local area SEND Inspection
Online via Teams 8th May Wednesday
EHC and Children’s Social Care Surgery
Stephen Wiltshire Centre 16th May Thursday
‘How schools are funded for SEN children/ young people’
with Daryle Mathurin and Jane Howarth
Online via Teams 21st May Tuesday
Post 19 session: topic tbc Masbro Centre 4th June Tuesday
OT (Occupational Therapy) transformation project
Stephen Wiltshire Centre 13th June Thursday
Session tbc Masbro Centre 18th June Tuesday
Coffee and chat Stephen Wiltshire Centre 27th June Thursday
Post 19 Session: topic tbc Masbro Centre 2nd July Tuesday
surgery Stephen Wiltshire Centre 11th July Thursday
Do you Identify as Neurodiverse?
Do you live in the Richmond Borough?
Are you aged between 18-35?
Come and join our community support group to discuss and work through topics faced by everyone. Every Friday 2.30 – 4.30pm at The Peter and Paul Centre, 4 Church Road, Teddington.
For more information contact Josh ( or Sally ( or call/ text/ WhatsApp 07927 550774.
We have divided up the information in this section under the following four headings.
We hope this will make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.
Please be aware that we are not recommending or endorsing any of these organisations or views. We are passing on information to parent carers about other organisations, events and activities that are available locally and nationally.
Witherslack Group webinar
SEN: Children and sleep
15th March, 10-11am. Helen Rutherford, a Specialist Sleep Practitioner for the Sleep Charity joins us for a webinar on supporting neurodiverse children with sleep. During this webinar, she will explore the physiology of sleep, common issues with SEN children and tailored strategies to help improve sleep.
Autism Central Hub: online sessions
Beyond Autism: Lunch and Learn series - Lunchtime webinars
Overcoming challenges associated with toileting: 22 March
Building sibling interaction: 22 May
Autism and mental health – strategies and support: 28 June
Exploring challenges associated with sleep: 15 July
To register:
Carers Collective: Building Resilience & Wellbeing for Carers - 6 week programme.
Are you feeling stressed, exhausted, burnt out or in need of new skills to manage your caring role? You're not alone. Many carers are juggling multiple responsibilities that can become overwhelming and exhausting.
Carers Collective understand the challenges of being a carer and we're here to help. Being honest about what you're dealing with and asking for help is the first step towards taking back control.
Our Building Resilience & Wellbeing 6-week program can help you manage stress, burnout, and the challenges of being a carer. We'll work with you to empower you to recognize the skills and resources you already have and to discover the small steps which you can take to help you move forward and cope with the day-to-day challenges of being a carer.
Short Breaks from Achieving for Children
We were pleased to welcome Alys and Caroline from Short Breaks to speak recently. Here is their presentaton for those families who were unable to attend. View the presentation here
Kingston Parent Carer Forum: free webinars from Suzy Rowland from the Happy in School Project.
Emotional based school avoidance – for those out of school/struggling to attend.
Ways to engage the school, support you and your child’s psychology safety: 26 March, 10:30 - 12:30
Free online course for carers on stress management
Introduction to Stress Awareness and Relaxation Techniques as Positive Coping Strategies
The purpose of this online course is to help you to recognise what stress is and to recognise your own symptoms of stress. You will then be introduced to the practice of relaxation techniques that are a valuable tool to help you to manage stress and improve your wellbeing. On this course, you will practice a range of strategies that will help you to deal with these feelings when you need it most. This course is for everyone no matter how high or low your stress levels may be.
Timetable: 1-2:30pm on the following Wednesdays in April, 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th.
Kingston Parent Carers Forum: Have your Say and Play
New meet ups for SEND Parent Carers to join us monthly at the YMCA Hawker Centre, The Pod. This is private session exclusively for SEND children to have fun at the soft play whilst parent carers can offer peer support and hear from the forum.
Starting 11th February, 1:15pm - 3:15pm. It is a drop in session. Email if you have any queries
Express CIC Events:
28 Feb 2024, 10:00 – 12:00 at Express CIC, 452 Ewell Rd, Surbiton KT6 7EL, UK
Vilma will cover the eligibility criteria and application process for Universal Credit.
To book:
06 Mar 2024, 10:00 – 12:00, at Express CIC, 452 Ewell Rd, Surbiton KT6 7EL, UK
An opportunity to meet with KCIL (Kingston Centre for Independent Living) and find out more about Personal Budgets. KCIL will present a workshop around all things related to personal budgets - benefits, uses and how to get one. There will also be time for a Q&A session after the presentation.
To book:
Autism Support:
Parent Carer Support Group
Friday 8th March 2024, 9.30 to 11am. Grand Avenue Primary School, Surbiton, KT5 9HU. Coffee, biscuits and general support.
I will bring along some laminators, pouches and Velcro for you to make some visual timetables etc. if you would like to.
If you would like to come along, please register by following this link:
or contact Jane Pidduck (e-mail
Seminars for Families: Managing Anger
If you wish to contact the webinar facilitator below for more information, use the following details: Name: Jane Pidduck.
Email: Telephone: 020 8399 5344. Places are limited, so please only book a place if you are able to attend and let me know ASAP if you know that you can no longer attend, so that I can give that place to someone else.
Managing Anger’ is one of the Autism Seminars for Families which provides information and advice to parents and carers of children and young people with autism. It is a live webinar and will not be recorded.
This will be delivered virtually as a shortened webinar on Mon 25th March, 10am-noon.
The webinar will help families to:
> discuss why children with autism often have challenges with distressed behaviour and anger
> identify a low arousal approach for support through stressful situations
> explore the cycle of anger and possible support strategies
> examine strategies for managing feelings.
The cost is free as the seminar is delivered as a shortened webinar and will be limited to 30 people on a first come first served basis.
To book a place, please complete the registration form by following this link:
For further training courses, workshops and networking support groups inc sibling support, for families of children with autism aged 7-11 years, please see link:
Free support sessions on transitioning to adult services
Contact and the Time to Talk Next Steps team are running four free online sessions for parent carers with children who are transitioning to adulthood or adult services – covering topics such as education, social care, health and independent living.
· Social care/Health - Wednesday 13th March 7pm - 8:30pm
· Independent living/community - Thursday 18th April 10am - 11:30am
For further details and info on booking:
Sunshine Support Webinars live via Zoom
All start at 8pm
Gestalt language processing 19 March
Children who mask and fawn 21 March
Selective Mutism 4 April
How to build resilience and self esteem 23 April
ADHD in children 23 May
Managing different needs in the family 11 July
There is a cost for these. See details below, and to book click on the following link:
Sensory Integration Education
Free courses on understanding sensory processing in children and downloadable Back to School Sensory Survival Kit.
Beyond Fussy Eating programme (online, able to access now)
Refusing known and new foods is a normal stage of a child’s development, often starting between 18 and 30 months of age and with most children growing out of it by 5-years-old. But for some children, feeding becomes a persistent and serious problem which, if ignored, can lead to serious weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. Research shows that children on the autistic spectrum and those with developmental disabilities are much more likely to experience these problems. The new Beyond Fussy Eating programme developed by children’s speech and language therapists at Your Healthcare CIC is now available online and free to use. The programme has been designed for parents and carers dealing with children who are extremely selective eaters and/or who may have little interest in food and eating. The programme will also help health, education and care staff who work with these children.
Beyond Fussy Eating consists of five modules covering: exploring feeding difficulties; mealtime strategies; learning about new foods; planning for changes; and a parent’s perspective (video). It was developed by children’s speech and language therapists at Your Healthcare CIC, whose expertise covers speech, language, communication and swallowing problems. The programme is available to access here
Family Matters and Bright Futures workshops and events
Free for Hounslow and Richmond families.
Renaissance Legal event: RUILS regularly promote webinars from specialist legal firm – Renaissance Legal – working with families of disabled and vulnerable people. Confirmation and instructions on how to access the webinar will come from Renaissance. RUILS would be interested to hear your feedback on this and any of the other Renaissance webinars you do.
Please get in touch with Sue Robson, Bright Futures SEND Transitions Advisor or Tora Sykes, Children’s Services Administrator to join the Bright Futures mailing list or for further information about any of our workshops, parent groups or social activities:
Sue Robson:
Tora Sykes:
RUILS website for details :
Mencap Planning for the Future and Decisions
Mencap run regular webinars about Planning for the Future – talking about financial arrangements, wills and trusts – and Decision Making. The webinars are delivered by different solicitors all who have experience in this complex area of law. The next few webinars in 2024 are: 29 February and 7, 21, 28 March
Philip Warford from Renaissance is speaking at the 7 March events
They all start at 10.30am and you can find the list of dates here:
Benefits Advice drop-ins with Choice Support
Choice support have benefits advice sessions organised at the ETNA Centre with colleagues from the Job Centre Plus.
Choice Support are the organisation commissioned by Richmond and Wandsworth local authorities to support disabled young people into work and at work:
Supporting Siblings workshop
12th March (Online), 10.30am. How to support siblings of your child with SEND. Gain insight into sibs’ needs, experiences & ideas for giving sibs attention. You can ask any individual Qs about your own situations. You will receive a follow up handout /activity ideas.
RUILS Bright Futures parent groups.
The following are held at Disability Action & Advice Centre (DAAC) 4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington TW11 8HT, unless listed as Zoom.
Able yp parent group Friday 10 May. 10am to 12.30pm. Zoom
Post 16 Maze. Monday 13 May. 10am to 12.30pm. Room 3, DAAC
Supported Living. Thursday 16 May. 6pm to 9pm. Room 3, DAAC
Post 16 Maze. Friday 5 July. 10am to 12.30pm. Room 3, DAAC
Supported Living. Monday 15 July. 10am to 12.30pm Room 3, DAAC
Able Young People: parent group. Monday 22 July. 10am to 12.30pm Zoom
The parent groups are drop-ins but for further info, email Sue Robson at RUILS:
Claiming PIP
This is a save the date entry for now. But I can tell you Vilma Espinosa who used to be the benefits advisor at Kids will be doing a workshop for Ruils about claiming PIP. Further details and a booking link to follow.
Thursday 21 March 2024, 10.30am to 12.30pm, at Peter and Paul Centre, Church Road, Teddington
Check in and chat
Family Matters Richmond is running a series of Check in and Chat coffee mornings, held on the third Tuesday of the month at our office next to Teddington library. These sessions are offered as drop-ins and you can visit us anytime between 10am and 12pm. Next session 19 March. They are an opportunity for you to meet our Family Matters Richmond Advisors, Martha and Surabhi, and get to know other parents who may share similar experiences around the SEND landscape. Please note that we are unable to conduct in-depth one to ones during these sessions. In order to guide us on likely numbers (and supply enough biscuits!) please register your interest for the first or subsequent sessions here:
Richmond Carers: CV and Careers Clinic
Opportunity to meet one-on-one with an experienced careers advisor. You will have the chance to build your CV, explore employment options and discuss new career directions. Each appointment will last for 45mins. Appointment times: 10am, 11am, 12noon, 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm
Tue 27th February. Venue: Twickenham Green
Moving and Handling Workshop
Delivered by an Occupational Therapist from NRS Healthcare. It will cover information around manual handling, risk assessments and principles of safer manual handling. You Learn how to safely assist your loved one & will receive a certificate of attendance.
Tue 12th March, 10am-12.30pm. Venue: Twickenham Green
For further info about the Richmond Carers clinics and workshops: