Run by
SEND Education Advice Team at Skylarks
The SEND advice service offers a number of online bookable appointments each week for new cases.
Families can book these via this page.
They mainly take place on Mondays and Wednesdays. We will try to offer a variety of times of day so that you can select a slot which suits you.
Please complete the 'New SEND Case request' here (add link) FIRST and make a note on the form in the "What outcome are you seeking" question, that you will be booking an Online Appointment.
Before Booking an online appointment please also check the range of Micro Talks that are offered on this page (Add Link) as it may be that we have something on this page that is more helpful to you.
We may suggest when reviewing your 'new case form' that a Micro Talk is a more appropriate first thing for you to attend before doing 1:1 work.
So please provide as much information to help us with reviewing cases to ensure we provide the right support.